Sunday, March 12, 2006

About CVD

While working as a school nurse, I discovered how common colorblindness is and the challenges people face because of the disorder. When I couldn't find literature for children or teens on the condition, I wrote Seeing Color: It's My Rainbow, Too for children and Color is in the Eye of the Beholder for teens and adults.

Most people don't realize that 1:12 males and 1:200 females have some degree of color vision deficiency (CVD) or colorblindness. Colorblind is probably not a good term because even those with severe CVD can usually see blue and yellow. See: for further information.

As I mention in Color is in the Eye of the Beholder, a website exists for the 1:33,000 people who have acromatopsia. People who have this genetic condition generally see the world in black and white, plus they suffer from other eye disorders. However, no website exists for the 1:12 males and 1:200 females in most countries of the world who have CVD.

This is a blog for those people with CVD to share frustrations and helpful tips about everyday living. It is also a blog for people to make recommendations to professionals, in particular teachers to establish principles regarding color vision education for teachers in training. Because different policies lead to a lack of uniformity in hiring with the same occupation, an important function of this blog is for standardization in occupations that that require accurant color vision. It's possible, in some occupations, that requirements for typical color vision in some jobs are simply outdated.